Are you someone who wants to get the best out of yourself and life? Or do you suffer from fretting, stress or insecurity? Then horse coaching might be for you. Yes, really!


Horse coaching; effective personal development with horses

Horse coaching is one of the most effective methods to quickly feel better about yourself. It helps you find the cause of what has been bothering you for a while. For example, a (subconscious) issue you are struggling with in your private life, or in the relationship with your colleagues, or in your leadership style at work.

Direct feedback
H o r s e c o a c h i n g? I hear you thinking. No, horse coaching is not about coaching horses. Or whispering with horses. In horse coaching, a post-graduate certified coach uses horses and translates the direct feedback these sensitive animals give on your feelings and appearance. This involves cleverly appealing to the nature of the horse.

Horses figure you out as quick as a dart

Horses are much more intelligent than most people think. I often hear this response: “How can the horse figure out what is going on with me so quickly?”.

Horse and horse coach ensure that your thinking and feeling are connected. As soon as the horse notices that there is no longer a difference between head and heart, it will confirm this by coming to stand with you relaxed. The horse then senses that you are ‘okay’ again.


How horse coaching works.

To survive, horses have learned to sense well what is happening in their environment. With their strong senses, horses see through what is going on inside a predator. If they perceive that the predator is satiated, they graze on. But if it is hungry, they flee.

Horses use their sensitivity mainly to be safe in the herd. If they notice that a herd member has a stomach cramp or stomach ache and cannot flee properly, they will try to help.

The special thing about horses is that they do not distinguish between humans and animals. As soon as they come into contact with a person, they react from their nature to the tension and aura this ‘new herd member’ is carrying.

Feeling better

Because the coach knows the non-verbal horse language, he can translate the horses’ reactions to your situation. And you gain insight into the obstacles you face.

It often happens that someone thinks they know their own challenge, but a deeper cause surfaces. This creates more understanding of your situation and you experience space and freedom to look at and deal with it in a different, more effective way.

Zakelijk en privé
Horse coaching can be used at the individual level as well as in teams. It is suitable for individuals, employees, teams and managers, but also for trainers and coaches in need of new techniques. Because you are working in nature, and there is no need for much talking, horse coaching is often experienced as pleasant and ‘safe’.

Horses are my passion

Based on a personal passion for horses and personal development, I have done several horse coaching courses. In their interaction with people, horses offer a rich arsenal of reflection on our behaviour. After a workshop or training, clients always tell me that they have learned a lot. And now look at horses with much more respect and appreciation.

Beautiful, isn’t it?

Want to know more about horse coaching?

Call or email me: +32 (0)475 695 941,